Boost Your JavaScript Skills - Top 9 GitHub Repositories for Learning?
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If you want to become a web developer, your first preferred programming language should be javascript.
In this blog, I’ll tell you why you should learn javascript as your first language and mention some excellent GitHub repositories for learning and improving your javascript skill and knowledge.
What is Javascript?

Javascript is high-level single-threaded garbage collected interpreted or JIT(Just-In-Time) complied prototype-based multi-paradigm dynamic language with non-blocking event loop made famous for building websites.
The definition of javascript sounds scary, but if you’re a beginner, you don’t have to focus on these complex words. It is just a thing that javascript does and a way of executing your code.
It was created in 1995 in just a week by Brendan Eich.
The main goal was to add an easy-to-learn scripting language for the Netscape browser.
It was initially named mocha, but marketing people made it sound like the 1990s sexy Java language.
Currently, it is a fully featured language according to Ecma standards.
It is currently well known for making the frontend of the website. It is the only language, except for Web Assembly, that is native support in all browsers.
Source : What is JavaScript? A Definition of the JS Programming Language
Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.
- Jeff Atwood
You can create server-side applications in NodeJs, mobile applications in react-native and iconic, and desktop applications in electron.
It is an interpreted scripting language, but tools like Google V8 engine and chromium use a JIT(Just-In-Time) compiler to execute your code at runtime. And also good at handling IO(Input-Output) intensive jobs.
Descript the fact it is a single-threaded language. It is all made possible by its non-blocking event loop, which queues your work in the background without blocking the main thread. Worldwide 97.7% of websites use it as their client-side language.
I think it is enough description to know about javascript if you’re a beginner.
Let’s first look at the advantages and disadvantages and then see where to learn it.
Advantages of javascript
There are many advantages of javascript, but I’ll tell you three widespread benefits of it in this blog.
It is easy to learn a language with simple syntax. It is very doable to implement and saves a tonne of time and money for a developer in creating a complex web app.
As I told you in the beginning, it implements on 97.7% of all worldwide websites. So, that means all famous companies use javascript in their tech stack.
It is one of the most flexible languages. You can create almost anything with it. You can create frontend, backend, mobile, and desktop applications just by using a single language.
Disadvantages of javascript
There are many things that developers criticize about javascript. I’ll tell you three main criticisms related to it in this blog.
Client-Side Security
Javascript code is viewable on the client-side computer that may use for malicious purposes if you don’t write your code appropriately. It is easy to inject javascript into your website, which impairs the security of data sent and received by your website.
Lack of debugging facility
Executing javascript in HTML is hard to debug because the browser is a forgiving mistake of javascript, which leads to some strange behavior in your website. Nowadays, browsers provide lots of debugging tools, but it is hard for the beginner to understand, and it does not effective as other languages like java, C, and C++.
Browser Support
It is executed differently in different browsers. These days the difference is minimal. You have to test your script in various browsers and older versions because some features may not support that browser or that version.
Source : Pros and Cons of JavaScript – Weigh them and Choose wisely!
Best GitHub Repositories for learning and improving your javascript skills?
Github :
FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that provides free online coding courses. Their GitHub repository contains lots of projects and resources for learning JavaScript. Their website has lots of interactive learning tutorials, and their youtube has learning videos too.
You Don't Know JS
Github :
You Don’t Know JS is a series of books that cover the finer details of the JavaScript language. The GitHub repository contains the code examples used in the books and provides an excellent resource for those looking to improve their JavaScript skills.
Eloquent JavaScript
Github :
Eloquent JavaScript is a popular book for learning JavaScript. The GitHub repository contains the code examples used in the book and additional resources for learning the language.
Github :
JavaScript30 is a free 30-day coding challenge that teaches you how to build 30 projects using vanilla JavaScript. The GitHub repository contains the starter files for each project and the solutions.
Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet
Github :
The Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet is a comprehensive guide to modern JavaScript. The GitHub repository contains the code examples used in the handbook and additional resources for learning the language.
JavaScript Info
Github :
JavaScript Info is a free online book that teaches you how to code in JavaScript. The GitHub repository contains the code examples used in the book and additional resources for learning the language.
Awesome JavaScript
Github :
It is a curated list of resources for learning and mastering JavaScript. The GitHub repository contains a lot of resources, including tutorials, tools, and libraries.
JavaScript Design Patterns
Github :
JavaScript Design Patterns is a free online book that teaches you how to write modular and maintainable JavaScript code. The GitHub repository contains the code examples used in the book and additional resources for learning the language.
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
Github :
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures is a free online book that teaches you how to implement algorithms and data structures in JavaScript. The GitHub repository contains the code examples used in the book and additional resources for learning the language.
Javascript is the most demanding skill in web development. You have to give time to learn that beautiful skill. Just learning javascript is not enough, so after completing the basics, you have to move to a different field of javascript.
You will never regret learning javascript because it is one of the most beautiful skills I ever know, and it taught me many things about how the web works.
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